Source code for mlui.widgets.upload

import streamlit as st

import as data
import mlui.classes.errors as errors
import mlui.classes.model as model

[docs] def upload_data_ui(data: data.Data) -> None: """Generate the UI for uploading a data file. Parameters ---------- data : Data Data object. """ st.header("Upload Data") st.markdown( "Upload a data file from your system using the provided form. You will be able " "to view your dataset on the `Data` page. Please note that errors may occur " "during the upload if the file is poorly formatted or lacks sufficient rows " "and columns. Additionally, be aware that files containing NaN and/or " "non-numeric values may result in errors during the training, evaluation, or " "prediction processes." ) buff = st.file_uploader("Choose a data file:", "csv", key="file_uploader") if buff: try: data.upload(buff) st.toast("File is uploaded!", icon="✅") except errors.UploadError as error: st.toast(error, icon="❌")
[docs] def upload_model_ui(model: model.UploadedModel) -> None: """Generate the UI for uploading a model file. Parameters ---------- model : UploadedModel Model object. """ st.header("Upload Model") st.markdown( "Upload a model file from your system using the provided form. You will be " "able to view your model on the `Model` page. Please note that if the model " "was previously compiled, its configuration will not be loaded. Additionally, " "be aware that models with more than one dimension in their inputs or outputs, " "except for the batch size, are not supported and may cause errors." ) buff = st.file_uploader("Choose a model file:", "h5", key="model_uploader") if buff: try: model.upload(buff) st.toast("Model is uploaded!", icon="✅") except errors.UploadError as error: st.toast(error, icon="❌")