exception mlui.classes.errors.UploadError[source]#

Bases: Exception

For errors during the uploading of files/models.

exception mlui.classes.errors.CreateError[source]#

Bases: Exception

For errors during the process of creating a model.

exception mlui.classes.errors.ParseCSVError[source]#

Bases: Exception

For errors during the process of parsing a file.

exception mlui.classes.errors.ValidateDataError[source]#

Bases: Exception

For errors during the process of validating the data file.

exception mlui.classes.errors.ValidateModelError[source]#

Bases: Exception

For errors during the process of validating the model.

exception mlui.classes.errors.ModelError[source]#

Bases: Exception

For arbitrary errors during the process of executing the model’s methods.

exception mlui.classes.errors.LayerError[source]#

Bases: Exception

For errors during the process of constructing a layer.

exception mlui.classes.errors.SetError[source]#

Bases: Exception

For arbitrary errors during the process of setting an attribute’s value.

exception mlui.classes.errors.DeleteError[source]#

Bases: Exception

For arbitrary errors during the process of deleting an attribute’s value.

exception mlui.classes.errors.PlotError[source]#

Bases: Exception

For errors during the process of displaying a plot.