Source code for mlui.widgets.predict

import streamlit as st

import as data
import mlui.classes.errors as errors
import mlui.classes.model as model

[docs] def make_predictions_ui(data: data.Data, model: model.UploadedModel) -> None: """Generate the UI for making the predictions of the model. Parameters ---------- data : Data Data object. model : UploadedModel Model object. """ st.header("Make Predictions") st.markdown( "Make predictions with the model by specifying the batch size. Once the `Make " "Predictions` button is clicked, the predictions will be displayed in the " "respective dropdown. Depending on the size of your model and chosen batch " "size, it might take some time. The predictions are values for each node of " "each output layer." ) batch_size = st.number_input( "Batch size:", min_value=1, max_value=1024, value=32, step=1 ) make_predictions_btn = st.button("Make Predictions") if make_predictions_btn: with st.status("Predictions"): try: df = data.dataframe predictions = model.predict(df, int(batch_size)) outputs = model.outputs for position, output in enumerate(outputs): st.subheader(output) st.dataframe(predictions[position]) st.toast("Predictions are completed!", icon="✅") except errors.ModelError as error: st.toast(error, icon="❌")