Source code for mlui.widgets.model

import streamlit as st
import streamlit_extras.capture as capture

import as data
import mlui.classes.model as model

[docs] def model_info_ui(model: model.Model) -> None: """Generate the UI for displaying the information about the model. Parameters ---------- model : Model Model object. """ st.header("Model Info") st.markdown( "View the essential information about your model in relation to other sections." ) task = st.session_state.get("task") built = model.built input_configured = model.input_configured output_configured = model.output_configured compiled = model.compiled if not built:"The model is not uploaded/created.", icon="💡") return if input_configured: st.success("The model's input layers are configured.", icon="✅") else:"The model's input layers are not configured.", icon="💡") if task != "Predict" and output_configured: st.success("The model's output layers are configured.", icon="✅") elif task != "Predict" and not output_configured:"The model's output layers are not configured.", icon="💡") if task != "Predict" and compiled: st.success("The model is compiled.", icon="✅") elif task != "Predict" and not compiled:"The model is not compiled.", icon="💡")
[docs] def summary_ui(model: model.Model) -> None: """Generate the UI for displaying the summary of the model. Parameters ---------- model : Model Model object. """ st.header("Summary") st.markdown("View the model's summary.") with st.expander("Summary"): with capture.stdout(st.empty().code): model.summary
[docs] def graph_ui(model: model.Model) -> None: """Generate the UI for downloading the graph of the model. Parameters ---------- model : Model Model object. """ st.header("Graph") st.markdown("Download the graph describing the model's architecture.") name = graph = model.graph st.download_button("Download Graph", graph, f"{name}_graph.pdf")
[docs] def download_model_ui(model: model.Model) -> None: """Generate the UI for downloading the model. Parameters ---------- model : Model Model object. """ st.header("Download Model") st.markdown("Download the model in `H5` format.") name = model_as_bytes = model.as_bytes st.download_button("Download Model", model_as_bytes, f"{name}.h5")
[docs] def reset_model_ui(data: data.Data, model: model.Model) -> None: """Generate the UI for resetting the model. Parameters ---------- data : Data Data object. model : Model Model object. """ st.header("Reset Model") st.markdown( "Reset your model for the app session. Once the `Reset Model` button is " "clicked, the model file you have uploaded/created will be erased, and all " "connections with other sections will be removed." ) reset_model_btn = st.button("Reset Model") if reset_model_btn: model.reset_state() data.update_state() st.rerun()