Source code for

import streamlit as st

import as data
import mlui.classes.errors as errors
import mlui.classes.model as model

[docs] def data_info_ui(data: data.Data) -> None: """Generate the UI for displaying the data information. Parameters ---------- data : Data Data object. """ st.header("Data Info") st.markdown( "View the essential information about your data in relation to other sections." ) empty = data.empty has_nans = data.has_nans has_nonnumeric_dtypes = data.has_nonnumeric_dtypes if empty:"The data file is not uploaded.", icon="💡") return if has_nans:"The DataFrame contains NaN values.", icon="💡") else: st.success("The DataFrame doesn't contain NaN values.", icon="✅") if has_nonnumeric_dtypes:"The DataFrame contains non-numeric values.", icon="💡") else: st.success("The DataFrame doesn't contain non-numeric values.", icon="✅")
[docs] def dataframe_ui(data: data.Data) -> None: """Generate the UI for displaying the DataFrame. Parameters ---------- data : Data Data object. """ st.header("Dataframe") st.markdown( "View your data file. You can sort and resize columns, search through data by " "clicking the search icon or pressing `⌘ Cmd + F` / `Ctrl + F` on the table, " "copy/paste different parts to/from clipboard, and download the dataset in " "`CSV` format." ) st.dataframe(data.dataframe, use_container_width=True)
[docs] def statistics_ui(data: data.Data) -> None: """Generate the UI for displaying the data statistics. Parameters ---------- data : Data Data object. """ st.header("Statistics") st.markdown( "View the descriptive statistics of the dataset, as well as the dtype and " "percent of missing values for each column." ) stats = data.get_stats() st.dataframe(stats, use_container_width=True)
[docs] def plot_columns_ui(data: data.Data) -> None: """Generate the UI for plotting the data columns. Parameters ---------- data : Data Data object. """ st.header("Plot Columns") st.markdown( "Plot different columns of the dataset against each other. A simple line plot " "is used for two distinct columns, and a histogram is used for the same ones. " "Additionally, you can interact with the plot by zooming in and out, dragging " "it, and accessing different download options by clicking the three dots in " "the upper right corner." ) with st.form("plot_columns_form", border=False): x = st.selectbox("Select X-axis column:", data.columns) y = st.selectbox("Select Y-axis column:", data.columns) points = st.toggle("Point Markers") plot_columns_btn = st.form_submit_button("Plot Columns") if plot_columns_btn: try: chart = data.plot_columns(x, y, points) st.altair_chart(chart, use_container_width=True) except errors.PlotError as error: st.toast(error, icon="❌")
[docs] def reset_data_ui(data: data.Data, model: model.Model) -> None: """Generate the UI for resetting the data. Parameters ---------- data : Data Data object. model : Model Model object. """ st.header("Reset Data") st.markdown( "Reset your data for the app session. Once the `Reset Data` button is clicked, " "the data file you have uploaded will be erased, and all connections with " "other sections will be removed." ) reset_data_btn = st.button("Reset Data") if reset_data_btn: data.reset_state() model.update_state() st.rerun()