Source code for mlui.widgets.create

import streamlit as st

import mlui.classes.errors as errors
import mlui.classes.model as model
import mlui.enums as enums

[docs] def set_name_ui(model: model.CreatedModel) -> None: """Generate the UI for setting the name for the model. Parameters ---------- model : CreatedModel Model object. """ st.header("Set Name") st.markdown( "Specify a name for the model to be created. If no name is provided, the " "default value will be used." ) default = name = st.text_input("Enter model's name:", max_chars=50, placeholder=default) def set_name() -> None: """Supporting function for the accurate representation of widgets.""" try: model.set_name(name if name else default) st.toast("Name is set!", icon="✅") except errors.SetError as error: st.toast(error, icon="❌") st.button("Set Name", on_click=set_name)
[docs] def set_layers_ui(model: model.CreatedModel) -> None: """Generate the UI for setting the layers for the model. Parameters ---------- model : CreatedModel Model object. """ st.header("Set Layers") st.markdown( "Add layers to the model, specifying their class, name (default value if " "nothing is provided), and additional parameters. Always start with `Input` " "layer(s). If needed, you can delete the last added layer in case of a mistake " "or if you want to make changes." ) layers = enums.layers.classes objects = model.layers default = f"layer_{len(objects) + 1}" entity = str(st.selectbox("Select layer's class:", layers)) name = st.text_input("Enter layer's name:", max_chars=50, placeholder=default) with st.expander("Layer's Parameters"): prototype = enums.layers.widgets[entity] widget = prototype(objects) def set_layer() -> None: """Supporting function for the accurate representation of widgets.""" try: params = widget.params connection = widget.get_connection() model.set_layer(entity, name if name else default, params, connection) st.toast("Layer is set!", icon="✅") except (errors.LayerError, errors.SetError) as error: st.toast(error, icon="❌") def delete_last_layer() -> None: """Supporting function for the accurate representation of widgets.""" try: model.delete_last_layer() st.toast("Last layer is deleted!", icon="✅") except errors.DeleteError as error: st.toast(error, icon="❌") st.button("Set Layer", on_click=set_layer) st.button("Delete Last Layer", on_click=delete_last_layer)
[docs] def set_outputs_ui(model: model.CreatedModel) -> None: """Generate the UI for setting the outputs for the model. Parameters ---------- model : CreatedModel Model object. """ st.header("Set Outputs") st.markdown( "Specify the model's outputs among the added layers. `Input` layers are not " "included here." ) layers = set(model.layers) - set(model.inputs) default = model.outputs outputs = st.multiselect("Select outputs:", layers, default) def set_outputs() -> None: """Supporting function for the accurate representation of widgets.""" try: model.set_outputs(outputs) st.toast("Outputs are set!", icon="✅") except errors.SetError as error: st.toast(error, icon="❌") st.button("Set Outputs", on_click=set_outputs)
[docs] def create_model_ui(model: model.CreatedModel) -> None: """Generate the UI for building the model. Parameters ---------- model : CreatedModel Model object. """ st.header("Create Model") st.markdown( "By pressing the provided button, you will create a model with the parameters " "specified above. Any changes made to the previous sections afterward will not " "take effect until you click the button again." ) def build_model() -> None: """Supporting function for the accurate representation of widgets.""" try: model.create() st.toast("Model is created!", icon="✅") except errors.CreateError as error: st.toast(error, icon="❌") st.button("Create Model", on_click=build_model)