Source code for

import csv

import pandas as pd

import mlui.classes.errors as errors
import mlui.types.classes as t

[docs] def parse_csv(csv_str: str) -> str: """ Parse the delimiter of a CSV string and check for a header. Parameters ---------- csv_str : str CSV string to be parsed. Returns ------- str Identified delimiter. Raises ------ ParseCSVError If the delimiter or header cannot be determined. If the delimiter is not one of ',' or ';'. """ try: sniffer = csv.Sniffer() delimiter = sniffer.sniff(csv_str).delimiter has_header = sniffer.has_header(csv_str) except csv.Error: raise errors.ParseCSVError("The file's delimiter cannot be found!") if delimiter not in (",", ";"): raise errors.ParseCSVError("The file's delimiter is not ',' or ';'!") if not has_header: raise errors.ParseCSVError("The file doesn't contain a header!") return delimiter
[docs] def validate_df(df: t.DataFrame) -> None: """ Validate the structure of a DataFrame. Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame DataFrame to be validated. Raises ------ ValidateDataError If the index of the DataFrame is an instance of `MultiIndex`. If the DataFrame contains less than 2 columns. If the DataFrame contains less than 2 rows. """ if isinstance(df.index, pd.MultiIndex): raise errors.ValidateDataError( "The DataFrame with MultiIndex is not supported!" ) if len(df.columns) < 2: raise errors.ValidateDataError("The DataFrame contains less than 2 columns!") if len(df) < 2: raise errors.ValidateDataError("The DataFrame contains less than 2 rows!")
[docs] def contains_nans(df: t.DataFrame) -> bool: """ Check if a DataFrame contains any NaN values. Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame DataFrame to be checked. Returns ------- bool True if there are NaN values, False otherwise. """ return True if df.isna().values.any() else False
[docs] def contains_nonnumeric_dtypes(df: t.DataFrame) -> bool: """ Check if a DataFrame contains columns with non-numeric data types. Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame DataFrame to be checked. Returns ------- bool True if there are non-numeric data types, False otherwise. """ nonnumeric_columns = df.select_dtypes(exclude=["float", "int"]).columns return True if len(nonnumeric_columns) != 0 else False