Source code for

import io

import altair as alt
import pandas as pd

import mlui.classes.errors as errors
import as tools
import mlui.types.classes as t

[docs] class Data: """ Class representing a data file content. This class provides methods for managing and interacting with a DataFrame constructed from the data file. """ def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialize an empty DataFrame.""" self.reset_state()
[docs] def reset_state(self) -> None: """ Reset the state of the DataFrame. This method resets the internal state of the DataFrame to an empty object. """ self._dataframe: t.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame() self.update_state()
[docs] def update_state(self) -> None: """ Update the internal state of the DataFrame, resetting its columns and unused columns. """ self._columns: t.Columns = list(self._dataframe.columns) self._unused_columns: t.Columns = self._columns.copy()
[docs] def upload(self, buff: io.BytesIO) -> None: """ Upload data from a file into the DataFrame. Parameters ---------- buff : file-like object Byte buffer containing the data. Raises ------ UploadError If there is an issue parsing the file. If there is an issue reading the file to the DataFrame. If there is an issue validating the DataFrame. """ try: csv_str = buff.getvalue().decode("utf-8") delimiter = except errors.ParseCSVError as error: raise errors.UploadError(error) try: df = pd.read_csv(buff, sep=delimiter, header=0, skipinitialspace=True) except (ValueError, pd.errors.ParserError) as error: raise errors.UploadError(error) try: except errors.ValidateDataError as error: raise errors.UploadError(error) self._dataframe = df self.update_state()
[docs] def set_unused_columns(self, available: list[str], selected: list[str]) -> None: """ Set the unused columns based on the available and selected columns. Parameters ---------- available : list of str Available columns to choose from. selected : list of str Columns to set as used. Raises ------ SetError If there is an issue setting the unused columns. """ used = dict.fromkeys(selected, True) unused = [column for column in available if used.get(column) is None] self._unused_columns = unused
[docs] def get_unused_columns(self) -> t.Columns: """ Get the currently unused columns of the DataFrame. Returns ------- list of str Currently unused columns. """ return self._unused_columns.copy()
[docs] def get_stats(self) -> t.DataFrame: """ Get descriptive statistics and data types information for the DataFrame. Returns ------- DataFrame DataFrame containing descriptive statistics and data types information. Raises ------ PlotError If there is an issue generating the statistics. """ try: stats = pd.concat( [ self._dataframe.describe().transpose(), self._dataframe.dtypes.rename("dtype"), pd.Series( self._dataframe.isnull().mean().round(3).mul(100), name="% of NULLs", ), ], axis=1, ) except ValueError: stats = pd.DataFrame() return stats
[docs] def plot_columns(self, x: str | None, y: str | None, points: bool) -> t.Chart: """ Plot columns from the DataFrame. Parameters ---------- x : str or None Column to use for the x-axis. y : str or None Column to use for the y-axis. points : bool Whether to include points on the plot. Returns ------- Chart Altair chart representing the plot. Raises ------ PlotError If there is an issue generating the plot. """ if not x or not y: raise errors.PlotError("Please, select the columns!") if x == y: columns = self._dataframe.loc[:, [x]].rename(columns={x: "Column"}) else: columns = ( self._dataframe.loc[:, [x, y]] .sort_values(by=x) .rename(columns={x: "Column_1", y: "Column_2"}) ) if raise errors.PlotError("Unable to plot columns of non-numeric dtype!") try: if x == y: chart = ( alt.Chart(columns) .mark_bar() .encode( x=alt.X("Column").title(x), y=alt.Y("count()"), ) .interactive(bind_x=True) .properties(height=500) ) else: chart = ( alt.Chart(columns) .mark_line(point=points) .encode( x=alt.X("Column_1").scale(zero=False).title(x), y=alt.Y("Column_2").scale(zero=False).title(y), color=alt.Color().scale(scheme="set1"), ) .interactive(bind_x=True, bind_y=True) .properties(height=500) ) except (ValueError, AttributeError, TypeError): raise errors.PlotError("Unable to display the plot!") return chart
@property def dataframe(self) -> t.DataFrame: """Copy of the DataFrame.""" return self._dataframe.copy() @property def columns(self) -> t.Columns: """Names of the columns in the DataFrame.""" return self._columns.copy() @property def has_nans(self) -> bool: """True if there are NaN values in the DataFrame, False otherwise.""" return @property def has_nonnumeric_dtypes(self) -> bool: """ True if the DataFrame contains columns with non-numeric data types, False otherwise. """ return @property def empty(self) -> bool: """True if the DataFrame is empty, False otherwise.""" return True if self._dataframe.empty else False